7 Most Shocking Kangana Ranaut Statements - Filmy Butterfly



7 Most Shocking Kangana Ranaut Statements

1) “I have become very thick skinned”
Talking about how her life has changed ever since she became a celeb, Kangana said that she is now used to photographers and journalists poking their noses in her life, and that she has become more tolerant of it all. The price of fame, we say!

2) “It’s so sad that everyone is trying hard to be goody two shoes”
Kangana feels that, in the industry, openness isn’t appreciated at all. Since everybody is trying to fit into others’ perception of them, she feels that there are no real people around. Kangana also confessed that it is a little challenging to be yourself in Bollywood. 

3) “If I go on to clarify, I fall into a trap.”
Kangana, it seems, is perfectly aware of her surroundings. She said that there are a few people in the industry who don’t like what Kangana is getting to do, and that if she goes on to clarify more, she will only be digging a deeper grave for herself!

4) “I think the kind of films and roles I do take a whole year, I think it is justified."
That’s what the Queen had to say when asked about her being the highest paid actress in Bollywood. You truly deserve it, Kangana!

5) “’Just good friends' means a f**k buddy who's been slightly promoted”
Not known to mince her words, that’s how Kangana defines the term ‘good friends!’ And to be really honest, we can’t wait to hear the story behind this shocking quote!

6) “There’s no competition for me”
Getting a little cocky, Kangana had said this in an interview to a leading magazine. She also added that she is currently the ‘Numero Uno’ actress in the country, and that none of her contemporaries have grown as much as her. With 2 National Awards in her kitty, you can’t blame her for the attitude!

7) “I was called an interfering b*tch for giving my opinion”
It’s common knowledge that her journey in the industry has been a tough one. Throwing further light on it, Kangana said that being an actress, she has been the victim of a lot of gender-discrimination in Bollywood. And that whenever she tried to add value to her film, by contributing to the dialogues, screenplays etc. she was considered more of an interference than a help. 

Bitter tongue, sweet performances. We love you, Kangana!
- See more at: http://www.mtvindia.com/blogs/general/news/7-most-shocking-kangana-ranaut-statements-52196628.html#sthash.pRq4lOSa.dpuf

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